株式会社AACJ マラリア·コンソーシアム



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Before submitting, you must read and agree to our privacy policy.
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株式会社AACJマラリア·コンソーシアム(以下、「当社」という。)は、当社のサービスを利用する方 (以下、「利用者」という。)の個人情報の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(以下、「本ポリシー」という。)を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、個人情報の保護を推進します。





  1. 当社サービスの提供・運営のため
  2. ユーザーからのお問い合わせに回答するため(本人確認を行うことを含む)
  3. ユーザーが利用中のサービスの新機能、更新情報、キャンペーン等及び当社が提供する他のサービスの案内のメールを送付するため
  4. メンテナンス、重要なお知らせなど必要に応じたご連絡のため
  5. 利用規約に違反したユーザーや、不正・不当な目的でサービスを利用しようとするユーザーの特定をし、ご利用をお断りするため
  6. ユーザーにご自身の登録情報の閲覧や変更、削除、ご利用状況の閲覧を行っていただくため
  7. 有料サービスにおいて、ユーザーに利用料金を請求するため
  8. 上記の利用目的に付随する目的







  1. 利用者又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
  2. 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  3. その他法令に違反することとなる場合


  1. 利用者は、当社の保有する個人情報が誤った情報である場合には、当社に対し、当該個人情報の訂正、追加又は削除(以下、「訂正等」という。)を請求することができます。
  2. 前項の請求を受けた場合、当社は遅滞なく必要な調査を行い、その結果前項の請求に理由があると判断した場合には、遅滞なく当該個人情報の訂正等を行います。
  3. 当社は、前項に基づき訂正等の実施・不実施について判断した場合には、遅滞なく、利用者ご本人に対してご連絡します。


  1. 利用者は、当社に対し、当社の保有する個人データの利用の停止、消去又は第三者提供の停止(以下、「利用停止等」という。)を請求することができます。
  2. 当社は、前項の請求を受けた場合には、遅滞なく必要な調査を行い、その結果前項の請求に理由があると判断した場合には、当該個人データの利用停止等を行うものとします。但し、個人情報の利用停止等に多額の費用を要する場合その他利用停止等を行うことが困難な場合であって、利用者の権利利益を保護するために必要なこれに代わるべき措置をとれる場合は、この代替策を講じます。
  3. 当社は、前項に基づき利用停止等の実施・不実施について判断した場合には、遅滞なく、利用者ご本人に対してご連絡します。










住所:東京都港区南青山2丁目2番15号 ウィン青山1004
代表者:松永 俊介
個人情報保護管理者:松永 俊介

第13条( 個人情報に関する問合せ先)

電話番号 070-2653-2370
e-mail address 


Privacy Policy

AACJ Malaria Consortium Inc. (hereafter referred to as “Malaria Consortium”) has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) and committed to protect the privacy of those who use its services (hereafter referred to as “Users”) the handling of personal information of users of our services.

Article 1 (Personal Information)

Personal information means “personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”).
Meaning information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description, etc., or that contains a personal identification code, as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter “Personal Information Protection Act”).

Article 2 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

The Company shall acquire and use personal information of users to the extent necessary for the following purposes

  1. To provide and operate our services
  2. To respond to inquiries from users. (including to confirm the identity of the user)
  3. To send e-mails regarding new features, updates, campaigns, etc. of the service the user is using, as well as information on other services provided by our store.
  4. To contact the user as necessary for maintenance, important notices, etc.
  5. To identify users who violate the Terms of Use or attempt to use the service for fraudulent or unfair purposes, and to refuse their use of the service.
  6. To allow users to view, change, or delete their own registration information, or to view the status of their use of the service.
  7. To bill users for paid services.
  8. For purposes incidental to the above purposes of use.

Article 3 (Management and Protection of Personal Information)

Personal information shall be strictly managed, and data shall not be disclosed or provided to third parties without the consent of the user, except as otherwise provided by law. In addition, in consideration of security, the Company shall take measures to prevent and correct risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.

Article 4 (Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information)

The Company may entrust the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, to a third party within the scope of the purpose of use. When selecting a third party, the Company shall confirm that the third party handles personal information appropriately and require the third party to handle personal information properly. The Company shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over such subcontractors.

Article 5 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

The Company shall disclose personal information to a user (limited to the user himself/herself). If the Company receives a request from a user to disclose his/her personal information held by the Company, the Company shall disclose such information to the user without delay. However, if the Company decides not to disclose the information, it will notify the user to that effect without delay; provided, however, that the Company may decide not to disclose all or part of the information in the following cases.

  1. If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the user or a third party.
  2. If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business.
  3. In the event of violation of other laws and regulations.

Article 6 (Correction, etc. of Retained Personal Data)

  1. In the event that personal information held by the Company is incorrect, the User may request the Company to correct, add to, or delete (hereinafter referred to as “correct, etc.”) said personal information.
  2. Upon receipt of such a request as described in the preceding paragraph, the Company will conduct the necessary investigation without delay, and if the Company determines that there is a reason for the request as described in the preceding paragraph, the Company will correct, etc. the relevant personal information without delay.
  3. If the Company decides to make or not to make any correction, etc. based on the preceding paragraph, the Company will notify the user of such decision without delay.

Article 7 (Suspension of Use of Personal Information, etc.)

  1. Users may request the Company to stop using, erase, or stop providing to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “stop using, etc.”) their personal data held by the Company.
  2. Upon receipt of the request in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall conduct the necessary investigation without delay, and if the Company determines that there is a reason for the request in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall cease use, etc. of the relevant personal data. However, in cases where the suspension of use, etc. of personal data requires a large amount of expense or it is otherwise difficult to suspend use, etc., and alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the user can be taken, this alternative measure will be taken.
  3. When we decide to suspend or not to suspend the use of the information in accordance with the preceding paragraph, we will contact the user without delay.

Article 8 (Procedures for Changing this Policy)

The Company reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. The revised Privacy Policy shall become effective when it is notified to users or posted on the Company's website in a manner prescribed by the Company.

Article 9 (Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Standards)

The Company shall comply with Japanese laws, regulations, and other norms applicable to personal information held by the Company.

Article 10 (Response to Complaints and Consultations)

The Company shall accept complaints and consultations from users regarding the handling of personal information, and respond to them appropriately and promptly. The Company shall also respond promptly and appropriately to requests from users for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or refusal of use or provision of said personal information.

Article 11 (Security Control Measures)

The Company shall prevent unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information by taking organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures, such as recording access logs and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside. In the unlikely event of an incident involving the leakage of users' personal information, the Company will promptly report the incident to the relevant regulatory authorities in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and related guidelines, and will take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring or recurring, in accordance with the instructions of the relevant regulatory authorities.

Article 12 (Company's Address, Name of Representative, and Personal Information Protection Manager)

The Company's address and the names of the representative and the personal information protection administrator are as follows
Address: 1004 Win Aoyama, 2-2-15, Minami-aoyama, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan
Representative: Shunsuke Matsunaga
Personal Information Protection Manager: Shunsuke Matsunaga

Article 13 (Contact for inquiries regarding personal information)

Please contact us from the following.
Telephone number: +81-70-2653-2370
e-mail address:

Last revised: January 31, 2025
